
Friday, May 29, 2009


I was sitting here thinking about what on earth I could write about eggs. Then I thought, well, a wise man once said that if you can't write about eggs, write about how you can't write about eggs. Or something.. At first I thought of the physical appearance, unbroken: smooth, brown and fragile, broken: liquid, clear and gooey, cooked: yellow and white. Then on TV, Bender was making a cake with eggs. Then I remembered that Sam made eggs for breakfast. There was this whole new egg world that I was suddenly taking notice off. Funny how we only see things when we are looking for them.

From what I gather there is no strict criteria about the way in which we express a topic, let me know if this is kosher.


1 comment:

  1. dahhhling, no criteria, no restrictions..
    most certainly kosher

    Incidentally I hate when eggs are not proper inside. When the clear goo is actually really runny and the yolk is pale and nearly grey. It is probably one of the worst things ever.
