
Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Big Answers

What is the meaning of life? There is no inherent meaning of life, and it's no great mystery that we have yet to discover. I just think that we each choose a meaning that suits us best. As to what I think, four words: meaningless but not valueless.

Is there life after death? No, and it makes me feel silly about being afraid of ghosts in scary movies.

How would you describe your personal philosophy? Still in the market for one.

What amazes you about the world? Humans, animals, science, nature.

What do you see when you look up in the night sky? The teacup constellation, usually. I don't know what it's called.

What are we here for? Evolution.

What are you here for? A good book and really good food.

What does beauty mean? Beauty can be a song, an object, a place, a concept, a drawing, a feeling; anything.

What does truth mean? Subjectivity.

What does happiness mean? To me, it is playing in my parent's backyard with my dog, feeling accepted and secure, having a full tummy, tea and toast, browsing in bookstores, and feeling accomplished.

What's the most important stuff in your life? Comfort, animals, books, Sam, family.

If you were gone tomorrow, what would you have left undone? A life.

What are you most passionate about? Animals, human rights, literature and potato chips.

What motto sums up your approach to life? Mottos are lame.

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