
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

did you just ring the doorbell?

oh hey everyone, so the summer is well and truly underway (finally, am I right?). Me and my peeps have been maxing out hardcore in this little town, playing dressups with deerstalkers and making sure we take as many photos of phat cats and phences as possible. and doing films on bikes.

I did want to do an entry
about whether I think sexuality is a choice, but I really can't be bothered. And then I figured that perhaps that is bad because it possibly means I am ambivalent/do not think/challenge/analyse, but I was reading my year eleven notebook and I think that I did an alarming amount of that then so I am by default allowed to be stupid and wear snorkels instead of helmets.

Once when I was in New Zealand my friend was playing a CD of songs in her car as we were driving home after a session and she asked me if I liked Bittles and I, confused, said "what?". She repeated "do you like Bittles?" and I said, "huh?".. "BITTLES".. "OHHH, BATTLES!" and I said yes.

Once when I was in my computer room I was watching some nice videos that someone recommended to me and I said yes too.


  1. LOLOLOLOLOLOL hahahahahahaahahahahahah I love how you lasses just point at the poor kitty in ur get up! ALSO: CAT SKIRT!!!! YOUR CAT IS SO FUNNY :D lol "bittles"

  2. I didn't open your eyes to Battles?

    Ah, Jeffrey Lewis!
    No one knows him.
    Find these songs:
    The Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song
    Back When I Was 4

  3. Also, in that last photo your cat is dancing.
    You should have that looked at.

  4. Are you making fun of my accent dear Susan? :)

  5. I love your accent Stace. Yours is acceptable! The other day though I was watching telly and there was this show on called "does my bum look big in this?" and as far as I could gather it was like a kiwi version of Trinny and Susannah. I didn't think much of it to be quite frank.

    And Murray, even if my cat (her name is Weetbix, for the record) was dancing, why would I have it looked at? I should just like to let her continue in that fashion as I think it pleases her.
