
Thursday, June 3, 2010

susan's fave films

Reality Bites

It's about four friends and what happens to them after uni finishes. This movie is directed by Ben Stiller. It's full of awesome nineties-ness. Basically they are worried about aids and 'the man', Ethan Hawke stands around looking hot as all hell but being completely undeserving of Winona Ryder but she gets with him anyway because he is sexy and she is relentlessly hopeless. Great film. Best part ever is where Winona consoles Janeane Garofalo about aids fear. She's all "it's like I'm the aids character on Melrose Place, like I'm just watching myself on some show.." and Winona whispers consolingly, "Melrose Place is a really good show".

The Science of Sleep

Cool film, for a variety of reasons. Michel Gondry is a pretty amazing guy. Story is that Stephan is a bit lost, he wants to be an illustrator but has to draw pictures for a crap calendar company. He moves into the flat where he grew up while his aunt who usually lives there is away. The film plays around with dream sequences and reality - you never really know what reality is. There's heaps of cool cardboard props and stop motion parts. Awesome. Also you totally see Gael Garcia Bernal NAAAAAKEDDD!!!

Into the Wild

Somebody once said to me that Into the Wild was like Twilight for thinking girls. My reason for enjoying Into the Wild is not just the fact that Emile Hirsch is a complete babe, but the fact that the film is just visually stunning. It made me want to travel across America something fierce. And of course there are some good quotes from it that I can't really remember right now. Some cool person did the music. Might be like Eddie Vedder. Is he cool?

Harold and Maude

Cat Stevens did the soundtrack for this film. There's some famous song of his in the trailer that Maude sings, she's so sweet and old. Harold constantly pretends to commit suicide to get the attention of his mum and he attends funerals, where he meets Maude. They become buds. Maude is so completely amazing, she constantly steals cars and saves plants in the street and takes them to forests and she poses for sculptors.. etc. I am going to start wearing my hair like Maude. Maybe that's how I'll waste time tomorrow.

Can't think of any more at the moment. That's probably enough though.


  1. Yes it was Eddie Vedder, and he is only cool if you like Pearl Jam, which is not recommended.

    I still can't believe I haven't seen Reality Bites, I've always been meaning to but have never got around to it. Also I should see Harold and Maude.

  2. yeah ooh Pearl Jam is icky.
    Reality Bites is so great, I luuuuurve Ethan Hawke. Apparently he wrote a book. Average, but tolerable because it's Ethan.
    Harold and Maude will make you cry sweet tears with its beauty.
