
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

why isn't facebook purple?

Something I find stupid - or not even stupid, just bizarre - is how there is an ever growing bunch of people who use their cameras to take photos of themselves. Obviously it doesn't sound like a dumb observation in my head. But those people who like get their camera and hold it in front of them and their best friend (as you're trying to walk down Lygon street) and then post it all over facebook really kinda suck. Now usually I don't really care about this, and I see how it can obviously be a quick and effective way to take a photo with someone else. But what if there are other people around? Can't they ask someone else to take it? Don't people with cameras know that they are usually never meant to be in the picture? Those who are self important enough to want to be in every picture that they take should not have been given a camera in the first place.

Actually come to think of it, I don't really know what I think except that I just have ill feelings about too much of said activity. It can only lead to bad things.

There's a picture because I like exercising my memory for the screenshot shortcut and I just downloaded a fun paint program. Also I am sorry it's so small but who really cares, I've lost all energy and enthusiasm for this cause.


  1. *sharp intake of breath* I do this. I take photos like this (you may have noticed). I believe it to be a aesthetic thing ie. it kinda looks cool. But I shall hush before you hit me in the most affectionate way. See, I do rounds when I take them kinds of pics. for eg. if i was with u and sammy, i'd take one with u then take one with sammy. it's purely an aesthetic thing. But like in formals and stuff, i totally get people to take pics for me and do this rotation thing :)

  2. I guess it mostly bothers me that this person included an old lady in her thing. It seems somehow wrong.

  3. Funny that you mention this, Rose tried to do it last night and about three people were like, "why don't we just take the picture for you?" and she was all like "nooo"

    I think people who take pictures of themselves are secretely quite vain. I have been known to do it occasionally, nothing against shoesh btw(i like that nickname heh).
